4 min read 30 Comments
You may have followed me and my art since I started creating as a youngster (Hi mom!). Or you may have just discovered my jewelry on Facebook yesterday.
Either way, I thought it’d be fun to give you a recap of who I am and why I make art. (And hopefully I’ll learn more about you too!)
Scroll down for my Birthday Giveaway Contest Rules and how to Win!
My studio is my happy place.
Making art has been a central focus in my life for as long as I can remember
Losing myself in the act of making art, the process of drawing or hammering or welding is the best form of meditation I know.
Process of making leaves for the Resilient Collection
I am a detail obsessed maker.
I thrill in the act of flush setting small gems, hammering precise texture or getting the line quality just right in a drawing. I truly believe beauty (and quality) is in the details.
My favorite medium is metal.
I especially love working in copper, silver, and yellow gold. Hammering sheet metal into abstract shapes, and carving wax (or metal) with detailed texture are 2 of my favorite techniques.
Custom made jewelry
I find balance in extremes
Working in both small and large scale helps me find a sense of balance, both mentally and physically.
The tedious detail in setting tiny 1mm gemstones is fun and satisfying, but after a while my fingers can feel like telephone poles and my mind is strained from intense concentration. Jumping into raising (hammering technique) a large copper vessel allows my mind to relax and uses more of my body. And when that gets too physically demanding, I switch back to small scale.
I love color.
The ability of color to reflect or change our mood fascinates me. I once read about a group that paints inner city school walls from institutional grey to a rainbow of happier colors. Guess what? School attendance went up dramatically and stayed up.
I thrive and revive and get inspired outdoors.
When not in my studio, my second happy place is outside on a mountain or beach. My favorites are swimming and hiking. I clear my mind and get most of my ideas for art when I’m in motion in nature.
While most of my ideas come from trying to capture the feelingsI have while outside, some designs come directly from the visuals I find. Either way, I don’t try to mimic exactly (nature already made something great!) but rather embrace the essence of our environment.
My best plan for covid reprieve is to hike.
Isolating on hiking trails and forest bathing as much as possible are getting me through these challenging times. (Hence the recent epic Appalachian Trail hiking journey) In fact, I wrote a lot of this while sitting at the base of this magnificent waterfall in Tennessee. Now that I’m back in Seattle, I try to get to a trail at least once a week to reset and clear my head.
I love adventure and travel.
I once spent 3 days trapped between a mine field and threat of prison on the border between Mauritania and Morocco. But that’s a story for another day! These days I prefer my epic adventures to be more focused on beauty than peril. I dream of the day we get to travel again, Southeast Asia and Iceland are both top of the list.
I love animals but have no desire to own one.
If I’m having a bad day and can’t get outside for a walk to shake it off, my next recourse is to look at pictures of baby animals. Angora bunnies are especially helpful for mood improvement.
My spirit animal is either a pale lavender butterfly or a wild jackrabbit, depending on the day.
I’m incredibly grateful for my work
I’m thankful every day that I get to do what I do - making and inventing with my hands. You make that possible! I’m grateful for you and your continued support.
YOU are my favorite thing about CG Sculpture and Jewelry
I want to know more about you!
And you could win this necklace or bowl in the process
Share 2 things about yourselfin the comments below. 1 thing that is personal to you (answer questions from above or surprise us) AND which give-away item you prefer - jewelry or bowl.
BONUS ENTRY: Head on over to your social media platform of choice and post your favorite thing (or piece I’ve made) about CG Sculpture and Jewelry. Be sure to tag me.
Instagram: @catherinegrisez
Facebook: @catherinegrisezart
Deadline to enter: Saturday, January 16th at midnight.
The winner will be selected at random and contacted on Sunday, Jan 17th
*Contest rules are being promoted on Facebook, Instagram, and Here. Enter through all THREE platforms to boost your chances to Win!
**Winners must be located in the United States
March 07, 2021
Happy Birthday Catherine! You are so generous to gift others on your special day.
Like you I LOVE color. When driving by the docks, where random colored shipping containers are stacked together, I find inspiration in their unexpected color combinations. I’ve long been drawn to your Bitty Bowls because of the delightful and unexpected colors. I’m fortunate to have two and use them daily. Of late I’ve been really impressed by your drawing prowess and how your drawings transform functional bowls into works of art.
Like you, I LOVE being out in nature and the find natural pattern, texture, and color combinations endlessly interesting. Plus, the relaxation factor is a bonus anytime but has been especially nurturing this past year. I’m excited to see how your Appalachian hike influences your jewelry. Your necklaces are off the chart beautiful and make me feel very feminine.
Two things about me:
Platypuses are my spirit animal for their a bundle of weirdness.
I rock at parallel parking but suck backing into my driveway!!
March 07, 2021
I love animals and if I had the money, I’d open up a safe haven for all types of animals. I also would be alone than be in a crowd, so this Pandemic doesn’t really bother me.
March 07, 2021
Since the pandemic I have chosen to enjoy every day as if it were my last and not dwell on any negatives. I would love to have the jewelry. Everything you make has feeling and is beautiful!
March 07, 2021
My name is Pamela it was my grandma choice … she raised me and I love your jewerly and bowl ….
March 07, 2021
The necklace is wonderful would love to have it.
March 07, 2021
I have enjoyed my jewelry pieces from you and would love to add one of your bowls to my collection!
March 07, 2021
I’m so grateful for the inspiration and positivity I experience from your creations, your sharing and these questions. I’m glad you send out emails as I’m not on social media.
Fun to read others who also enjoy expressive movement/dance. Fuschia has been my energizing color lately. My daily walks give me a chance to absorb nature’s sweetness and magic to help offset the strain of these times.
Thanks for your gifts of creativity, beauty and inspiration that you share with the world!!! Keep it coming.
March 07, 2021
I love traveling to places I’ve never been and I love the organic feel of your art! So lovely and happy to discover you on here
March 07, 2021
I also love the jewelry. Very beautifully made
March 07, 2021
I enjoy reading and listening to music. I love the bowl
March 07, 2021
I am finding contentment in watching the sunrise and the changes in each day with sound of the birds and the neighborhood waking up. My passion is dance and expressive movement, but I’m spending this time mostly in quiet reflection with daily yoga and beach walks.
March 07, 2021
I really Enjoy Dancing,Attending Concerts.Love Being near Water.A universe person love stargazing calms me!??
March 07, 2021
Horseback riding. Spring when the earth is reawakening.
March 07, 2021
I am retired and we enjoy camping and fishing but love the beach also. We are very lucky to live in a place where both are within 1.5 hours from either amazing places. Jewelry is my thing and london blue or teal are my two favorite colors. Stay safe and healthy.
March 07, 2021
I love nature as well.
I am a quilter. When I am making a quilt for someone, I tend to think of that person with each stitch!
This is my first encounter with your bowls and jewelry! I must say your things are lovely,
I love your use of color, choices of metal! Truly works of art!
March 07, 2021
I love being out in nature TOO! This past summer, my favorite yoga teacher presented a hiking series and I signed up right away! It was a series of 7 unique hikes that started in October and ended in December with a group of 15 people that included little surprise activities and time for journaling and each one was truly amazing! I looked forward to finding out where each one would be held which was revealed the Thursday prior to the Saturday morning hike and I was delighted to learn about new spaces in Rhode Island that I had never been to! The exercise and fresh air kept all of us happy and healthy and certainly much more enlivened in these times of struggle.
I think the bowls that you make are so pretty and functional and I would love to own one…. but I would love the necklace too so it is tough to decide! If I win either one, I can’t complain, that’s for sure! Nice of you to do this and Happy Birthday to you! Best wishes for many more to come and many more creative efforts to be had!
March 07, 2021
Love the jewelry and gold is my style
March 07, 2021
I am a retired teacher in Colorado who loves to be outdoors, either taking walks or just appreciating the mountain scenery. I love jewelry and really admire your beautiful items you make. Thanks.
March 07, 2021
Love the jewelry very inspirational specially on days like today that I don’t feel so good internally.
March 07, 2021
I have followed you for about six mos., and I am absolutely amazed by how beautiful your work is. Two things about me that you asked for: I love jewelry, and I love femininity.
March 07, 2021
Well my favorite thing about CG Sculpture and Jewelry is, of course, CG!!
Having watched you blossom from afar all these years, I continue to be amazed and inspired….this last year especially.
First, a personal thing…I have kept myself thoroughly engaged and entertained during my necessary "lockdown" (due to several high risk categories) by painting and adorning Mandalas. I’ve been finally able to use lifelong collected, beads, buttons and hubcaps. Yep, off-the-side-of-the-road HUBCAPS!!
But the best part was having permission and inspiration from your tradition of allowing nature to inspire your work.
(I wish I could include a photo of the trunk of a beautiful plum tree I had to cut down this summer. Her inside colors inspired my very favorite Mandala yet!)
And I’m sure you know this, but nothing turns beautiful pieces like yours into Family Heirlooms faster than knowing their backstory!
Thank you for your wonderful modeling.
March 07, 2021
It is such a difficult choice between the necklace and bowl. They are both so pretty. I love the necklace. My favorite color is green !!
March 07, 2021
I love jewelry and your sculptures!!!!I am 66 and enjoy making jewelry when i can!!!
March 07, 2021
I love,it all‼️
March 07, 2021
I love the color red… yes color makes you feel alive. Your description of the balance you feel by creating large scale metal pieces and delicate jewelry with small in-laid pieces brought me greater insight in to the mind of an artist ( my daughter is an artist – I should be more aware of the emotions and thought process that is involved in creating art! )
I own 2 cg bowls which I received as gifts and love to “ show off” when using them. I have several pieces of jewelry from your “ early days!” Difficult to say which I would rather, but when I see Judith Grisez sporting a new cg piece, I think “I need a cg update!
March 07, 2021
Katie, I remember the incredible mural on your bedroom wall you did by hand & marvel at how young you were & where it’s led. I also remember thinking my parents would’ve never left me do that! Lol. Maybe because I can’t even draw stick people? Lol. We enjoy seeing your creativity! As for me, my happy color is coral & my happy place will forever be the beach! There’s something about the vastness of the ocean & skyline. Love those bitty bowls & your jewelry pieces I have always bring comments & create a conversation!
March 07, 2021
I love how you’ve captured facts about yourself, how you work and what makes you tick. For me, I worked 20 years ago to try to articulate the essence of my purpose…and came up with this:
Artistically discover and order information to create simple concepts and things. And bring together necessary elements — including people — to create epic experiences that help us explore and experience the world.
It still fits pretty well.
I’d be blessed to have one of your hand-crafted, one-of-a-kind beautifully drawn bowls.
March 07, 2021
I adore your work! Copper is my favorite metal – I love it’s warmth and depth. I love chasing & repousse as well as electroforming. Since the theft I’m wanting more jewelry & would be proud to wear one of your pieces!
March 07, 2021
So my spirit animal is the hoary marmot (but you knew that…)because it thrives in my happy place- the mountains, and it also has a playful side. And when I wear your jewelry I feel so fortunate to know such an amazing, talented person! And I love both the bowl and necklace!
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20 music box sculpture designs telling the stories that make a house a home. Originally displayed in a larger art installation titled Constructing Deconstruction, each individual box is only available in an edition of 10.
March 07, 2021
I love the jewelry! It’s what I’d pick if I won. Jewelry always becomes personal for me